In after-hours trading Thursday, shares of Disney were up 67 cents, or 2.31 percent, to $29.72. Over the last 12 months, the value of Disney stock has ...
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DryShips Inc. (NASDAQ: DRYS) is challenging the $7.00-mark again this morning. Some of this move is being tied to part of the Baltic Dry index, but shares were actually very active yesterday as well with a gain of more than $0.50 to $6.77 on 31 million shares. At 9:07 AM EST we have seen 755,000 shares trade hands and the stock is up 3.4% at $7.00.
This used to be a $100+ stock back in the day, but the official 52-week high is now ‘only’ $17.35.
JDS Uniphase Corp. (NASDAQ: JDSU) is riding the 3Com coattails this morning. We already noted this week from how JDSU was being tossed around as a potential buyout candidate in the options trading. There might be many hurdles in that, but shares at 8:51 AM EST have seen 132,000 shares trade hands and the last trade was up 6.6% at $7.68. This was under $6.00 just on NOV 4 and this takes it back to the levels not seen since late-September.